Medical Cobotics Centre, a Joint Facility of Technology Innovation Hubs of IIT Delhi (IHFC) and IIIT Delhi (iHub Anubhuti) Inaugurated

Medical Cobotics Centre is a centre of excellence to provide education, training, and skill development for the Medical/Engineering/Science students, doctors, surgeons, engineers, paramedical staff.

Media Coverage Links:

The Financial Express

IIT Delhi & IIIT Delhi jointly inaugurate ‘Medical Cobotics Centre’ In New Delhi

Times of India

How simulators can help budding docs gain skills

India Today

India’s first ‘Medical Cobotics Centre’ at IIIT Delhi to boost innovation in health

ET Health World

iHub Foundation for Cobotics, iHub Anubhuti-IIITD Foundation inaugurate ‘MCC – Medical Cobotics Centre

Express Healthcare

Medical Cobotics Centre, a Joint Facility of Technology Innovation Hubs of IIT Delhi (IHFC) and IIIT Delhi.

BW Education

IIITD Inguarates Medical Cobotics Centre To Foster Innovation in Healthcare

Education Today

IIT Delhi, i-hub Anubhuti Inaugurate ‘medical Cobotics Centre’ To Boost Innovation in Healthcare

Indian Education Diary

First of Its Kind ‘Medical Cobotics Centre (MCC)’ Inaugurated in New Delhi; To Foster Innovation in Healthcare

Career 360

IIT Delhi, iHub Anubhuti inaugurate ‘Medical Cobotics Centre’ to boost innovation in healthcare

News 18

IIT Delhi and IIIT Delhi Inaugurates Joint Medical Cobotics Centre, AIIMS to Design Training Programmes

ETV Bharat

MCC, a Joint Facility of Technology Innovation Hubs of IIT Delhi (IHFC) and IIIT Delhi.


IIT Delhi with IIIT Delhi start Medical Cobotics Centre to Foster Innovation in Healthcare

Digital Health News

IIT Delhi and IIIT Delhi Inaugurates Joint Medical Cobotics Centre, AIIMS to Design Training Programmes

News Nation

IIT Delhi and IIIT-Delhi Inaugurates Medical Cobotics Centre

College Dunia

IIIT-Delhi and IIT Delhi Jointly Launch ‘MCC-Medical Cobotics Centre’; Check Details Here

ETV Bharat

ट्रिपल आईटी में खुला देश का पहला मेडिकल कॉबोटिक्स सेंटर, सिलिकॉन के पुतलों पर प्रैक्टिस करेंगे छात्र

ABP Live

दिल्ली में मेडिकल कोबोटिक सेंटर शुरू, अब रोबोट्स की मदद से कर सकेंगे इंसानी बीमारियों को लेकर एक्सपेरिमेंट और स्टडी

Aaj Tak

Delhi के IIIT, IIT और AIIMS ने मिलकर कॉबोटिक सेंटर की शुरुआत की

Aaj Tak

मेडिकल शिक्षा में अब ह्यूमन ट्रायल की जरूरत खत्म, IIIT ने एम्स और IIT के साथ निकाला नया रास्ता

Times of India