IIT Delhi
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In the past few years, the world and especially India has rapidly seen advancement in sensing, computing, algorithm research, and development. This has further ushered in the growth of robotics research and its adaptation in the real world. Today, it’s very obvious that robots are being used and every sector, let it be in the life of a simple farmer planting and harvesting his crops, to the wholesaler who needs to manage his inventory in his vast warehouse of all agricultural produce. The usage of drones in agriculture, defense, and industry has taken a turn only for the better. The use of robots in collaboration with doctors is being used in long intensive surgeries. All over the world and this kind of collaborative work with robots will just increase with time 


 It is evident that robots are going to play an essential role in society in the coming years in all sectors so Intelligent robotic teammates have the potential to expand human capabilities, reduce risk of harm, increase safety, productivity and ultimately the quality of life for our people. Therefore, the development of technology and products that enable the population to work alongside robots is the need of the hour. 


With this aim, I-Hub Foundation for Cobotics (IHFC), Technology Innovation Hub of IIT Delhi, was established partnering with the Department of Science Technology (DST), Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India under National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems (NM-ICPS). This brings together 3 major pillars of success from Academia, Government and Industry. 


Established in June 2020 as a Section 8 company, IHFC has 4 mandates under its 4 Application Areas, Medical, Agriculture, Industry and Defence. The mandates being R&D, Entrepreneurship and Startups, Skills and Training and International Collaborations such as with Japan and NSF, USA.  

Under R&D we are working on 10 Grand Projects, and a few are in International Collaboration with National Science Foundation (NSF). We are hand holding many start-ups and many young Entrepeneur’s are already incubated and accelerated with IHFC under READY (Research Entrepreneurship and Development for You) program. Our first successful startup from READY is TOTO which is already in talks with many IHFC industry partners for commercialization and there are many more in the pipeline. 


To become the most coveted initiative in India which empowers to develop and nurture ideas offering world class solutions.

IHFC will help ascertain the right kind of training, guidance, and necessary resources required by these bright individuals to create a seamless collaboration between industry, research, and academia, ensuring fast-track development and turning ideas into reality.


To empower growth through collaboration and build a community of innovation leaders.

To create and offer an ecosystem for all, by coordinating and integrating, knowledge generation, academia support, technology and product development, innovation and commercialization to support projects for a quick turnaround in the field of Cobotics.

IHFC Objective:

I-Innovative thinking and Intelligent sensing of the capabilities and environment and providing support to think out of the box to innovate and offer solutions

H- Harbour a community bringing together the intelligence of Acamedica and industry and create a marketable product

F- Facilitate growth and acceleration of young minds and start-ups/ companies through financial, academic and industry support

C-Commercialization of the end product and making it market friendly offering a simple solution to any task which is strenuous or hazardous to human and simplifying and reducing the task load.


about cobo
Cobotics or Collaborative Robotics is the future. Robots are increasingly becoming more powerful and adept at performing tasks that are- Dull, Dirty and Dangerous for humans. We are entering an era of manned + unmanned teaming where humans and robotic systems must work together towards common goals. Intelligent robotic teammates have the potential to expand human capabilities, reduce risk, increase safety, productivity and ultimately the quality of life for our people. Competency in human-robot collaboration is crucial for our country such that robotic systems enhance the capabilities of our workforce rather than trigger replacement.

IHFC Initiatives

IHFC incubated/accelerated, Botlab Dynamics have been successfully displaying their caliber in Drone Swarming across India and the globe. Taking drone swarming technology all over the world Botlab Dynamics has been one of its kind in. Its field using over 3000 drones at one go for entertainment. IHFC has provided not only financial but also academic intel for the development of their technology, taking it to the next level.

TOTO is the first successful startup out of the TOTO program which has created a robot which can be used for academic research purpose for students as well as for commercial purpose such as surveillance of warehouses, remote monitoring, auto delivery, general surveillance etc.


IHFC has also been instrumental in designing new course curriculum for Delhi Board SoSe schools and imparting corporate training to various bodies. IHFC is also the knowledge partner for DD Robocon and Robokancha (Delhi Robotics League).


Our R&D set up and facilities include Drone Technology Park (DTP) in IIT Sonipat campus from. Where IHFC has been regularly conducting Drone awareness and training programs for students in North , South and NE India . MakerSpace harbored in the heart of IIT D campus itself is a space developed for the READY program students of which the latest success story is TOTO. Other start ups are across IIT Campus in Vishwakarma Bhawan as well as R & I Park. Our latest Medical Cobotics Centre ( MCC) in collaboration with IIIT D Okhla is on its way to completion offering the only unique medical R&D and training facility to the medical fraternity and space for medical start ups.


A total of 100+ faculty from IIT Delhi, other IITs, IIITs, NITs, and universities around the world have partnered with IHFC besides industries like TCS, Samsung and Wipro.


VP – Commerical Projects

Lead – Marketing

DGM – Program Management 

Sr. Manager – Finance 

Head – Education and Training

Head – Startup Incubation